Avon Lake High School
If this is your first time here, click the FIRST TIME VISITORS at the top for those who like to read instructions or the JOIN HERE link in the upper right-hand corner for those who, like me, enjoy skipping ahead, then having to fix things and perhaps repeat every step. Twice. Either way, you have to be a member of our class to continue on this site.
But there are no fees, no ads, not too many annoying emails, and we don't sell your information so why not join? We have a variety of content, including memorabilia from our years in Avon Lake Schools, profiles of what classmates have been engaged in, message boards and forums, plus a page dedicated to those classmates we have lost. There are pictures and videos and music and articles all centered around our class of '67.
Pretend you are browsing through the months-old magazines trying to look totally unconcerned while waiting for your yearly doctor's appointment, and you happen upon a quiz from 1967! "I got this," you think to yourself. So you begin trying to answer the questions and find that the content is a bit Bizarro and you're not quite sure what they mean, but you continue anyway because the waiting is interminable.
Well now you have that Pop Quiz just a click away - no need to page through the doc's dog-eared mags. Just select Bizarro Superman and complete the 20 question quiz. It is, however, old school, as I didn't take the time to make a fully digital question/answer format. Use paper and pencil.
Next, I found an interesting (at least to me) interview of Indian students who were 20 years old in 1967, born on the same day as the Indian state: August 15, 1947. But even more relevant to this site, was a video from about a year ago that revisited many of those 20-year-olds and what they have done. I've included that one and a link to the original if interested (it's long).
Not new, but still interesting stuff. Here are just a few quick links to other places on our site for those who are visually oriented and don't like navigating menus:
The Galleries
Photos from our past and many from reunions. (click icon to go to Reunions)
Documents - Yearbooks from 1966 and 1967, Important Stuff like our Baccalaureate and Commencement programs, and Spectrums. (click to go)
Pictures from when we were (more or less) cute and innocent. (click to go)
Class mates that are no longer with us. (click to go)
Start or join discussions (please stay away from politics, religion, and take it easy on Cleveland sports) with classmates - also a place to post messages to all. (click to go)
Remember party phone lines? Email just one or a select group of classmates. (click to go)
See and read about what your classmates have been up to. (click to go)
Want to get rid of that lady's-leg table lamp your husband won in a Major Contest? Put it on our For Members Only classified site. We won't tell. (Click to enter)
That's all for a while. Let's make 2023 another good year to remember.